In Your Space

Most people have enough room in their living room that if the coffee table is moved out of the way, it can work.  It is roughly 7 feet by 5 feet necessary minimum.

As to room temperature, I do have a table warmer for the table, so it is relative to how cool or warm you prefer it personally.  Usually recommended is somewhere between 68 and 72 degrees, according to your own preferences and/or the season.

I will be bringing my table, stool, bolster, table warmer, sheets, towels or blanket, aromatherapy oils (only upon request) or massage crème, so none of my supplies will be expected from you.  However, if you have a product you would like me to use, as long as it is non-narcotic and gluten-free (which I can help you determine if you are unsure) it is fine with me!

All linens are laundered between visits and are one person/session per sheet/towel.  Some couples are comfortable to share linens, so I leave that as a case-by-case basis.

Once I arrive, it usually takes about 10-15 minutes to completely get myself ready (partly predicated upon how cold the table is and how warm it needs to get) and then at the end about 10 minutes to break down and get done, so for an hour session, you can expect (roughly:)

  • There will be a page of paperwork for you to fill out the first visit (which is just needed to be replaced if your healthcare or contact/address information has changed)
  • Time for the table to warm if necessary (relative to how cold it is while the table has been in the truck.)  It usually takes 10 minutes to set up and be ready.
  • You are encouraged to be as unclothed as you are comfortable (and know you will always be appropriately draped under the linens I bring) and you will have privacy to do so,
  • We should be done treating within the time frame of the appointment (half hour, hour, hour and half, etc.)
  • Payment is expected or gift certificate presented at end of service
  • I should be finished and out of your home within 15 minutes of completion

For those who have a preference, just let me know in advance and I can bring with me inside only shoes.