What is Amma?

Amma is Traditional Chinese Medicine from a culturally Korean point of view.  It is a type of manual therapy work which focuses on the energy or chi involving the energy channels commonly associated with acupuncture.

  • It can be deep tissue, medium or light pressure.
  • There are acupressure points which help to relieve certain issues.
  • It works the arms, legs, neck, back and aspects of the trunk.
  • It is a great treatment for people who prefer to remain dressed.
  • One hour is a normal amount of time for treatment, but it can be made longer or shorter.

Amma can be used for any number of issues.  I have helped people with asthma, shoulder issues, digestion, emotional tension and more.  It is also great for individuals who are interested in Chinese Medicine but not interested in the needles from acupuncture.

Therapeutic Massage v. Relaxation Massage

Massage can help take the edge off the pains and discomforts which are side-effects of issues and pathologies. It doesn’t necessarily always offer “cures”, but it does contribute to making daily living less difficult.

Relaxation massage can be wonderful, and if you are over sensitive, it can be helpful in reducing the sensitivity of the nerve stimulus. It is not therapeutic generally, though it can be when appropriate. It is usually the stereotypical European or Swedish style of massage.

Massage from a therapeutic point of view works specifically on areas which are in spasm, restricted or contain adhesions from pathologies, overuse or injuries/surgeries. It also works areas which are too flaccid to encourage blood flow, thereby encouraging even the simplest level of healing.

Restricted areas are musculature which are over worked, in spasm or contain scar tissue from previous injuries (especially old ones.) This condition will slow down nerve and blood flow, thereby causing dysfunction, reduced range of motion and/or pain to the surrounding areas.

Flaccid areas (due to the lack of muscle control, or even from nerve impingements) will not support blood flow efficiently as normally contracting musculature encourages circulation. The lack of proper circulation can cause a myriad of issues.

Nerves which are impinged due to musculature restrictions will behave improperly, thereby also causing dysfunction and/or pain to the surrounding areas.

Therapeutic massage will help to reduce the restrictions to the specific areas, thereby reducing pain and improving movement, thereby freeing up the body for more normal activity.

Very often, though, the issue is further away from where the discomfort it. Part of the point of being “therapeutic” is that if the source of the issue is not found and attended to, the discomfort will never dissipate, thereby, causing other issues, discomfort and dys-function.

People are very often surprised at the fact that they didn’t know there were issues in other places. However, they have also found that having the work done has provided them the relief they have sought to enjoy the life they want to live.