Cautions & Contraindications

If you are, or have been, under a doctor’s care or are taking medications for any reason, you may wish to consult with your doctor before having massage treatment.

Most issues only come with cautions (blood thinners can cause bleeding if the pressure is too deep, bone density issues can be susceptible to fractures, etc.) however, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Read below for the list of contraindications and cautions.

Basic Contraindications / Cautions for Massage:

Cancer: Cancer patients require a Doctor’s note. Massage can be contraindicated regarding the concerns about metastasis.

Infectious or contagious diseases: Any acute stages can be caught, spread or aggravated by massage.

Cysts or Tumors: The body encloses foreign material in a sac and considers it outside materials. Rupturing the sac is like placing foreign matter deep into the tissue. No pressure should be applied around the sac area.

Inflammation: Usually characterized by pain, redness, swelling and heat. Clients on anti-inflammatory medication may not exhibit the symptoms, but should still be treated as if they were inflamed.

Diabetes (advanced stages): Circulation can become so impaired that numbness, gangrene and/or skin ulcers of the feet and legs are present. Massage can damage tissue and spread infection with anything more than light treatment. Severe stages require a Doctor’s note.

Osteoporosis: Loss of bone density due to calcium deficiency or poor absorption. The bones are weak, brittle and easily crushed. With caution, massage can be safe.

Edema: Massage is contraindicated for edemas that are due to heart or kidney ailments. Circulation may have so much back pressure that the heart cannot handle the increased load or flow from massage. Other circulation problems can benefit from massage.

Pregnancy: Doctor’s note is requested giving permission to have massage. It is contraindicated at the sacral area, calcaneal (Achilles) tendon and a few other small areas. Always better to be safe than sorry!

Fever: Any fever above ninety-nine degrees is indication of infection. Your body needs to rest and should not receive massage until better.

Under 18: Parental signature is required. Children actually respond very well and very quickly to treatment!